Sunday, September 7, 2014

Crowning the Inspiration Queen--or Not

On Friday our school announced its homecoming candidates, which brought glee to 14 students, indifference to some, and disenchantment to the rest. I do not know why our school continues to endorse this popularity contest, a formal crowing and crowning ceremony to remind beautiful, well-liked kids that they are indeed beautiful and well-liked--and remind the others that they may be less so.
I adore my students who were chosen for the court. But I also adore my students who weren't chosen, and I feel their disappointment. They are all lovely and wonderful in their own ways, and I'm sorry when school condones an election that causes them to doubt that.
It is with this taste in my mouth that I see today's prompt, asking me to crown my most inspirational colleague. I refuse. I have worked with one inspiring teacher after another. Some inspire me to tidy up my room. Others inspire me to use technology more effectively. One inspires me to remember to stand in the hall between classes. Another inspires me to dress like a professional. I follow some teachers on Twitter who inspire me to take bolder steps toward authenticity. My Iowa Council of Teachers of English cohort who share in our Facebook group have inspired me to re-think how I respond to student writing and to participate in this blogging challenge. 
At this very moment I am inspired by my online colleagues using a back channel ( return to my Sunday-night reading and responding to student work.

I am a better teacher when I look for inspiration from all my colleagues. 
Day 7: Who was or is your most inspirational colleague, and why?
Reflection: This was another tough night to carve out blogging time. I'm not satisfied with this weak, non-ending, and I ended up with what I fear is a dour tone. What I'm feeling good about? I DID IT. Day 7.

1 comment:

  1. Allison,

    Popularity rituals are a legit concern. I don't think your tone is dour. Just properly questioning the system.

    I didn't interpret the prompt the same way, and I love that you made me consider it in a different light.

    Thanks for founding the Sunday Grading Party on Today's Meet. It's been a lifeline when I needed it! And some great PLN/PLC work happens on the fly there. You are on my inspirational wall of fame!
