Friday, July 24, 2020

Day #129 Writing Through COVID-19: Good Gossip

My dad turned 91 today. I tried to make it special in the mild, simple-pleasures way of life we aspire to out here on the farm: I hung the birthday banner where he could see it while eating breakfast. I served cheesecake at lunch, and presented him with a new jar of bubbles.

In the afternoon my three available children joined us from Des Moines, Colorado, and 1/2 mile down the road for a ZOOM birthday party. We sang (I played the accordion), then counted aloud to 91 while doing jumping jacks, pushups, and wild dance moves.

Next, my kids answered trivia questions about their grandpa. When they knew the answers, he was pleased. When they missed, he was even more pleased because he got to tell the stories behind the trivia.

One of the questions was "When were Grandma and Grandpa were married?"

Palmer guessed August, which was correct, but no one knew the day or year. My dad said, "We'll celebrate our 64th anniversary on August 18!"

"Wait!" I interrupted, "Weren't you married in 1955? That means this will be your 65th anniversary!"

We paused the party to do a little math. I was right. He'd lost a year somewhere.

Don't we all?

Our final birthday game was Good Gossip. I was raised with this game, and it was a staple for my children's birthdays. I've even played it with my journalism students.


One person (in this case my dad) leaves the room (on ZOOM this means I moved him back into the digital "waiting room") while everyone says one positive comment about him.

When he returns, he asks someone, "What did you hear about me?"

They answer with one of the comments that had been shared.

The task is for the person to guess who said what about him.

If he guesses right, the person says, "Yes! I said that! I also heard..."

If he guesses wrong, the person says, "No, I didn't say that. But I did hear..."

This goes on until all of the gossip has been attributed to the right person!

Yes, the game is sappy, but its structure gives us permission to shower a special person with words we don't always say out loud:

"I heard you're funny."

"I heard you are kind."

"I heard you are a great story-teller."

"I heard you're good at Bridge."

After the ZOOM party, Harrison and his girlfriend stopped by for a distanced outdoor ice cream treat. On the shaded side of the house, we enjoyed chocolate-almond Häagen-Dazs ice cream bars. My dad held and petted Harrison's kitten. He then used his new bubble wand to send orbs of opalescence into the Iowa sky around us. It was lovely.

Before supper, my parents and I played a game of Bridge. My dad won, which he deserved to do on his birthday; nevertheless, my mom and I groaned when he pontificated on his excellent play.

Tonight when I hugged my dad good night and told him how glad I was he has lived so long, he called me a "sweet girl" and thanked me for making his day special.

Be well.


At 12 days old, Wolf is thriving. But his mama's breasts are sore, and she is a bit teary. Today she had to watch her best friend's wedding via ZOOM rather than be there as maid of honor as originally planned. Our pre-COVID plans were that I'd be in NZ right now. If only....

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