Sunday, December 27, 2020

Day #285 Writing Through COVID-19: Beginnings Are Risky

Our school's National Honor Society chapter hosted a blood drive at the community center today. That nudged me to take a shower before noon. 

While in town, I picked up a 25-foot drain auger, nearly twice as long as the one that failed to fix the sink clog last night. I face-timed with Dan while standing in the plumbing aisle of Orscheln's, debating which snakey thing was most likely to release us from the clutches of the clog and return us to blissful days of NOT thinking about sinks.

It took a few tries, but at 1:33-ish, Dan shouted to me in the garage where I manned the hose faucet: "It worked!"

We spent the next minutes in a self-congratulatory running of the faucet, just because we COULD.

Later Dan circled back to the clog, giving me a play-by-play of the drain, the attempts, the failures, our eventual hard-fought success.

"This sounds like the post-game re-hash," I said. 

It was. 

We'd won in double overtime.

As Dan discoursed on plumbing today, he said something that actually gave me pause. The drain problem was like so much of his work to keep the farm going. A job looks like it will take 20 minutes, and sometimes it does. But just as often it morphs into a bigger project, hours sucked into the rabbit hole. There are times this uncertainty can make a farmer (or a writer, or a student) back away from even starting a project.

Beginning anything is a risk.

Speaking of beginnings:

Adrienne sent me her 2021 resolutions today. She also sent copies of our resolution exchanges in 2005 and 2010, which looked TOO similar to our 2021 resolutions! 

Be well.


Rex is our son Harrison's coonhound. Her kennel is in the garage, and she only comes into the house (uninvited) to lick the butter. While we worked on the sink, we left the house-garage door ajar to accommodate the garden hose. Rex saw this as an invitation to join the excitement.

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