Saturday, December 26, 2020

Day #284 Writing Through COVID-19: Resolved

My favorite after-Christmas activity is drafting New Year's resolutions with my sister Adrienne. Like many traditions, we just did it, and after a few years it became "what we do." 

Our resolutions don't change much from year to year. We vow to declutter our lives, be more consistent in exercise and thank-you-note writing. We name the big projects we want to tackle. 

Next, we share lists, then snag a few of each other's good ideas for our own. 

For the first two weeks in January, we call to report our progress! 

We are both optimists.
We are both unrealistic.
We are both inspired by a good LIST! 

My rough draft this morning included using my planner more consistently, writing more poems, making time for piano, staying current with my grading.

YAWN! My resolutions are boring even to me as I type them tonight. But I love the idea of RESOLVE: to try to do better. If I didn't believe in this, I wouldn't be a teacher.

After supper tonight, I noticed standing water in the sink. I ran the garbage disposal, but the backup only gurgled nastily.

In the past 24 hours, Dan and I fixed my lamp and the ice-maker together. We also cleaned the garage. This is a dangerous increase over our fragile fix-it-together time. 

But it's Saturday night. Who doesn't want to spend a couple of hours unclogging a drain?

We moved quickly from an attempt at plunging, to removing the trap (or whatever). We used the snakey-thing, then a garden hose, and then (because all farmers are Red-Green at heart), Dan connected a worn-out washing machine hose to the garden hose...Oh NEVER MIND. A picture is worth 1000 words: 

A notable moment was when Dan turned to me and asked, "What did you put down the drain?"

He said it as if the entire problem was based on my deliberate misuse of the kitchen sink. "Nothing!" I snapped, then later thought I should have said Golf balls and Silly-Putty! Motor oil and walnut shells! Plaster-of-Paris and Gorilla Glue!

When Dan headed into Walmart to get additional drain-declogging supplies an hour ago, I cleaned up our pathetic plumber mess, then washed the supper dishes in the laundry-room sink. I then put on pajamas and sat down to write. 

Dan is home now. He poured the (doubtful) draining agent into the pipe and we're now waiting the required 15 minutes before flushing it. 

Be well.



  1. Replies
    1. It's not going well. Farmers hate to admit fix-it defeat. I'll let y'all know when we call the plumber!

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