Monday, June 29, 2020

Day #104 Writing Through COVID-19: Sad and Angry

Today is the fifth day since Dan's exposure to COVID-19. From what we've read, this is the most common day for symptoms to appear. Dan has felt fine, complaining only about his achy knees, and that's from climbing grain bins, not COVID.

He will be tested tomorrow morning. Even if he tests negative, he'll continue isolation until day 14, when he'll be tested again.

This afternoon I pulled up the online Bridge game to practice, and as soon as I saw my hand, I called my dad. We talked through my bidding options, and he told me to bid 4 spades, higher than I would have without his prodding.

"Call me back and let me know how you do," he said.

I did.

"I went down by three!" I cried, lamenting my positon as 83 of 99 players.

He laughed and admitted he's second-guessed his bidding advice after he'd hung up.

"How was your day?" I asked.

He said it was good, then went on to say he'd leaned on my sister's dining table and broken the top off its pedestal. My sister and her daughter had spent a good chunk of the day rebuilding the table.

"Did you fall?" I asked.

"Well, no," he said. "The top tilted and I slid down to the floor!" I love how my dad can turn a near-disaster into a laugh-out-loud quip.

This evening Adrienne texted. She said that our sister caretaking our parents in Newton is feeling blue.

Our mother is confused. She is unhappy. She said, "Allison is the best nurse at Friendship Haven. Why can't I have Allison?"

I looked back on my blog entries tonight. My first weeks with my parents were fraught with confusion. I am so sorry that my parents will have barely enough time to settle in and begin a sense of normalcy in Newton before we will uproot them again.

I think I feel angry.
But if I look deeper, I am mostly sad.

Be well.


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