Sunday, June 16, 2019

This App Changed My Life

I love a good list. I make one every morning to maximize my productivity, and I usually check off two or three items before I get distracted, lose the list, and fritter the day away.

So I was a sucker for the “Never forget anything again” sales pitch for Due, a list-reminder app for my phone. The fact that it cost $4.99 convinced me it would work better than any of the dozens of free list-making apps out there.

And it has! After spending $5, I figured I’d better watch the video explaining the app’s features to maximize my purchase.

In for a penny, in for a pound. I’d sunk five bucks and watched the video before realizing I still wasn’t sure how to set up my list and would need to commit another 30 minutes into acclimating myself to the gadget.

Which I did. But this means I must now use the app constantly to get my time and money investment back out of it. So I’m using Due for every task of my day, from “crawl out of bed” and “brush your teeth” to “throw the used coffee filter in the trash” and “waddle to the refrigerator and eat a popsicle.” And indeed, each item on my list receives my full attention for the twelve-step process I’ve developed for getting my money’s worth:

Open Due app
Add item to list
Set timer and repeat notification
Set ringtone
Double check time zone
Sync to computer
Tell someone about my app
Check to see if the app did, in fact, remind me of my do-do item
Tweet about it
Do the item on my list
Swipe right

My productivity is skyrocketing.

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